Does Jumping on a Trampoline Help You Grow Taller?

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Jumping on a trampoline has plenty of benefits, including helping you grow taller. How this happens is a mystery we’ll be uncovering in this article.

Height can significantly impact your self-esteem, especially if it’s below average.

The concern about your height grows as you age.

The question, ‘how can I get taller?’ becomes a constant nag in your conscience. 

Can jumping on a trampoline help with your height?

Yes, it does. Rebounding does really boost the jumper’s height.

Well, for sure, you must have tried many other exercises and diets to improve your height with no significant changes.

But have you tried rebounding?

That’s why we’ve curated this article to show you more fun and entertaining way to grow taller.

Let’s dive in.

What Happens When You Rebound?

Rebounding is fun, and not just that; you can grow taller too!

Interesting, isn’t it? But how does this happen?

It all comes down to stimulus. 

While jumping on your trampoline, you directly target muscles and other areas on your legs. 

The leg muscles will grow larger, signaling the brain that your body needs to achieve a certain height.

In turn, the brain signals the bones to start growing gradually.

With frequent jumping sessions, your height will start increasing, inch by inch. 

Constant jumping on a trampoline and stretching your back allow your body to undergo growth spurts. 

In children, jumping on the trampoline stimulates the growth plates within the bones.

In adults, rebounding can increase their height by squeezing the blood. 

As you frequently rebound, the legs rotate and move about for stability. 

The action will contribute to the increased speed of beet movement. 

Your muscles and ligaments will be more flexible, contracting and stretching as you jump. The elasticity properties will improve as well as your height.

Trampolining gets the body upright by relaxing the spine and back muscles. 

By constantly folding the knees as you jump, your calf muscles will stretch vertically, boosting your height. 

Not forgetting the bone mass that improves and elongates from leaping on the rebounder. 

Stretching relaxes the joints and bones.

These two combined are responsible for their growing taller. Stretching and jumping are two movement mechanisms that impact one’s growth upwards.

Like any other exercise, you have to do it right while jumping on the trampoline to achieve your desired results. 

Jumping alone won’t help you; you have to incorporate other movements and activities such as basic and advanced jogs, jumping jacks, and more.

How Trampolining Boosts Height

Jumping on the trampoline benefits your height in these ways:

Hormone Surge

Research has confirmed that regularly exercising helps to stimulate growth and anabolic hormone secretion in the body.

It also promotes the healthy distribution of nutrients in the body to enhance the development of healthy tissue.

It Boosts Bone Health

Exercise stimulates bone metabolism through the pressure exerted by working muscles to the skeleton. This in turn increases bone density.

Therefore, rebounding is good for healthy bone growth and density.

Promoting Cardiopulmonary Function

Trampolining helps to promote cardiopulmonary function by supporting healthy heart function. 

It also improves oxygen distribution while stabilizing the heart rate.

When oxygen is distributed well in the body, growth tissues will develop adequately and gain in mass.

Proper Sleep

The circadian secretion cycle of growth hormones works well at night. High levels of this growth hormone are secreted while you’re asleep.

This cycle is quite similar to that of anabolic hormones that stimulate growth and mass gain.

While pleasurable, trampolining can be pretty exhausting, making you sleep much better at night and giving your body time to regenerate. 

Improved Appetite

While rebounding, the body uses up a lot of fats and sugars. After the workout, a transient state of hypoglycemia emerges.

This will make you feel weak or lethargic and very hungry. Until you’re full again, that’s when you’ll regain energy.

The good thing about this is that eating more promotes growth.

Trampolining and Height Growth in Adults

While jumping on a trampoline helps you grow taller, this is most effective in children.

The longitudinal growth seen in children is because of the growth plates in the long bones like the humerus or the femur.

Trampolining in adults can help you improve your height, although it may entirely depend on genetic factors. 

Proper activity can relax and build your muscles while activating the growth hormones that necessitate height gain. 

However, after puberty, so many things happen to the body. 

The femur and the humerus growth plates will disappear and get replaced by non-growing bone tissue. This means also that the longitudinal growth will stop.

Because of this, adults may not grow upwards the same way children do. Their height cannot increase as they desire, even if they try trampolining.

Sometimes adults become shorter as they grow older. 

The constant friction from daily activities can make intervertebral discs reduce in volume, making it seem like their body height is going downwards.

How to Grow Taller Through Rebounding

By now, you know that jumping on a trampoline alone cannot make you grow taller. 

It requires constant movement to send the correct signal to your brain and the bones.

Here are things you can do on the trampoline to stimulate height growth.

1. Jump and Stretch

As you jump, don’t leave your arms locked at your sides. Raise them as much as you can with each jump. 

This will help stretch your sides and back. Imagine yourself trying to reach for a fruit up a tree. This is where you raise your arms to touch them.

This is how high you should raise your arms as you jump.

2. Stick to the Right Landing

Landing the correct way helps you connect your jumps without putting in a lot of effort. 

When you do it right, you’ll connect well with other exercises like flips and kicks. 

Landing properly prevents injuries too. Imagine landing on your back or side. This will cause unnecessary accidents, sprains, strains, and other injuries.

Always land with your feet with every jump you make. It will also allow you to stop the momentum safely and take a break.

3. Kick and Flip

Don’t just jump. Try to incorporate a few vigorous leg actions with each of your jumps. 

This way, you’ll target the whole leg area and elongate your bones. 

Start by lifting each leg as high as you can in every jump. When the body gets used to the stretching, then include kicks.

When the body is accustomed to the kicks, you can then start training on 360-degree flips. 

Not that this is risky if you don’t land on your back or feet. Only do the flip once you’ve mastered how to maintain the momentum of your jumps. This will prevent injuries.

4. Back Straightening Drills

You can gain a few centimeters of height quickly by straightening your back. 

You can try exercises, such as bending your back, stretching your spine, and more.

5, Jogging

Jogging is another excellent exercise you can do to improve height. 

To do it right, keep your back straight while leaning horizontally and then lift your knees one after another as you sprint. 

Just start with a slow jog and increase speed as you get used to it. Sprint on your trampoline from one side to the other. 

Lift your arms over your back as you jog. 

These workouts are simple, and the outcomes are excellent as you jump on your trampoline. 

Factors That Help Determine Height 

These factors will influence your height improvement.


Nutrition is an essential factor that is frequently researched in connection with height and growth. 

A well-balanced diet rich in nutrients is correlated with your healthy development.

You need enough proteins, carbohydrates, fats, micro and macro elements, and more to build mass. 

Like for instance, animal-based protein is found to impact positively on a child’s health compared to plant-based protein.


Human genetic material undergoes constant research, and so many new genes keep being discovered.

Some of them are responsible for our height.

From many findings, genetics is very influential in one’s height. Research shows that multiple genes control a person’s height.


The environment also plays a significant role in your height. 

You may have seen people from different regions exhibiting different height ranges. 

Some have average heights, others are short, while some are pretty tall. 

The average American is about 5ft 9 inches tall. In Europe, the average height is 5ft 10 inches, while in East Asia, you’ll find they’re 5ft 7 inches tall on average. 

This shows that your birthplace and the environment can determine your height.


Health conditions can influence your height. Various health conditions may have affected your development and height as a child. 

Some conditions slow down your growth. The growth hormone insufficiency, for example, will definitely derail your growth. 

Other burdensome diseases can also strain the body by using up the nutrients necessary for your growth, causing permanent damage to the growth hormone.

Take Away

So, does jumping on a trampoline make you taller? The answer is yes. 

But you can achieve better results by doing the exercise right and incorporating other movements when jumping.

Diet is also important. With the proper nutrients, some jumping, and stretching here and there, the body will be stimulated to grow taller.

Shmulik Dorinbaum

Shmulik Dorinbaum

I like to jump, as high as I can, so what else I can do in these days? in these quarantine days? to jump on my large-sized trampoline! (an extreme jumper)